Glencore announced on June 28 that it has reached an agreement with its joint venture partners BHP and Anglo American to buy both of their 33.3 per cent shares in the Cerrejón thermal coal mine in La Guajira, Colombia, …
Villages have been forcibly displaced from their territories, at times with considerable violence as the mine has expanded. Coal dust has contaminated both air and water supplies, causing serious health problems both for those living near the mine, and also for many others who live beside the railway transporting coal to the coast.
Waste rock is usually deposited in benches via end dumping or push dumping, resulting in heterogeneous porous media with spatially variable mineralogy, particle size, sorting and water content (Amos et al., 2015).Detailed characterization of geochemical parameters in the waste-rock pile has been conducted within the framework of the spatial heterogeneity (Bao et …
Diversified miner Glencore will become the sole owner of the Cerrejon thermal coal mine in Colombia by buying out partners BHP and Anglo American, boosting its coal assets at a time when others ...
Geosynthetics for mining waste rock and tailings. ... (2000) for geotechnical engineering problems, and later applied to mine containment applications by Thiel et al. (2005), were applied for each cover scenario. The values selected, shown in Table 1, represent best estimates for cover systems from the authors' mining and landfill engineering ...
After implementing the necessary measures and protocols to reduce the risk of infection of COVID-19 and ensure the health and safety of our workers, their families, and the communities, Cerrejón has today gradually restarted operations. In view of the crisis caused by COVID-19, Cerrejón has responsibly evaluated the impact of this emergency on our operations.
Wayuú and Afro-descendant communities, resettled and historically affected by the Cerrejón Limited open-pit coal mine, decided to block the southern part of the mining operation in La Guajira due to the non-compliance …
Cerrejon in Motion; Strategic projects; Sustainability . Sustainability reports; Materiality; Sustainable Development Goals; Environment. ... we have transformed 4,700 hectares, where we previously carried out open-pit mining, which have been converted into forested areas. View more. Wed, 08/14/2024 - 09:42. Leer más. Wed, 08/14/2024 - 09:38 ...
Mining and mineral-processing wastes—the solid and liquid materials generated after mining and ore processing at or near mine sites ()—have no current economic use.A number of environmental problems are associated with the disposal of this waste, including contamination of streams and lakes and pronounced landscape transformation (e.g., …
The safety and stability of waste dump are vital influencing factors to the mine sustainability and mine employees. Based on a real mine project in a certain open-pit mine waste dump in Tibet, the ...
cerrejon coal mine waste rock. Leave a reply. Cerrejón – Mashpedia, the Real-Time Encyclopedia. Cerrejón has a mining fleet … This waste rock is loaded on 240-tonne and 320-tonne trucks and deposited in waste rock dump sites. ... Cerrejón achieves world-class coal mining with end-to-end … Waste rock excavation using hydraulic excavator ...
El Cerrejon is the largest open-pit coal mine in Latin America, stretching over 69,000 hectares (170,000 acres) across a harsh landscape that is also home to the semi …
The mine waste rock can further be categorized as clean waste or special waste based on its mineral content and its ability to produce acid . The composition of the waste rock controls the element's behaviour released in the atmosphere. ... Bian Z, Miao X, Lei S et al (2012) The challenges of recycling mining and mineral processing wastes ...
Radio Schuman. This is Radio Schuman, your new go-to podcast to spice up your weekday mornings with relevant news, insights, and behind-the-scenes from Brussels and beyond.
The Cerrejon Formation outcrops in the Cerrejon Coal Mine, the largest open cast co al mine in the world. Two cores (725 m) were provided by Carbones del Cerrejon LLC for study. Two hundred samples were prepared for palyno logy, and at least 150 palynomorphs were counted per sample where possible. Several statistical techniques including ...
Franks et al. developed a set of seven principles based on sustainable development to guide decision making in regard to mining waste disposal, including: (1) Mining and mineral processing wastes should be managed in a way that is physically and chemically stable; (2) the waste that interacts with the environment should be inert; (3) waste that ...
The focus of this study was to evaluate the potential reuse of mixed mine tailings and waste rock in water-balance covers (WBCs). Reuse of mine waste in geoengineering applications can provide an economic advantage via offsetting raw material requirements and reducing waste volumes to manage. Water-balance covers are designed to minimize …
Cerrejon, named after the nearby Rancheria River, is located in the La Guajira region, on the northeastern edge of Colombia. This mammoth open-cast coal mine sprawls …
The rest, roughly 11 billion liters (2.9 billion gallons) per year, she said comes from "rainwater on the mining areas and depressurization of coal beds" — poor-quality water that the mine ...
The form of a phosphate mine waste rock pile depends on two criteria: the disposal method (top-down or bottom-up) and the land surface (flat or horizontal) (Blight, 2009).Different configurations of the mentioned criteria are illustrated in Fig. 3.The top-down disposal method involves discharging waste rock over an advancing face (Fig. 3 A–C-D).). …
The Silverton caldera complex in southwest Colorado hosts base and precious metals that have been mined since the late 1800s. Extensive mine workings, excellent bedrock exposures, and deeply incised drainages make this area a natural laboratory ideally suited for furthering our understanding of the mineral systems in a volcanic environment.
Note: The above section was automatically generated and is based on data from the GEM April 2024 Global Coal Mine Tracker dataset. Background. Cerrejón coal mine or minera del …
Lefebvre et al. (2001a) reported permeability measurements in the Doyon mine waste-rock dump, Quebec, Canada, determined from grain-size data, and the Norhalde, Germany waste-rock dump, estimated from the response of in-situ pressure measurements to barometric pressure changes (Weeks, 1979).
On 5 November 2015, the Fundão and Santarém mine tailings dams in Minas Gerais, Brazil, failed, releasing 62 million m 3 of sediment and water that destroyed homes, killed at least 17 people, cut of potable water supplies, blanketed more than 650 km of rivers, and flowed into the Atlantic Ocean (see the photo). The tailings dam failure, the largest ever …
The Cerrejon coal mineis located in the department of La Guajira in Colombia. The mining concession covers an area of approximately 69,000ha, spanning over the municipalities of Albania, and Barrancas y Hatonuevo. The coal mine lies within the El Cerrejon sub-basin which is dominated by …
Un llamado para detener la minería en la Guajira y proteger al Pueblo Wayúu. En septiembre de 2020, un número importante de expertos independientes de Naciones Unidas (ONU) pidió al gobierno de Colombia que …
The morning silence is broken by a pounding sound, emanating from a nearby mining pit just a few hundred meters from the community. Photo Ynske Boersma El Cerrejón is among the world's largest coal mines. Communities in La Guajira, one of Colombia's poorest provinces, say mining activities are polluting their water and harming their health.
A mine waste geochemical characterization program is a fundamental component of the ... Alkalinity 1,600 Al 0.459 F <0.06 Si 0.15 Cl 4.9 As 0.0005 Fe 0.206 Sn 10.7 ... Example SPLP pH results for five waste rock samples tested using a pH 5.0 lixiviant are shown in Figure 1. These tests were conducted at a
Similarly, Abreu et al. (2012) used seven covering rock types, including limestone, waste rock, lime, waste rock-limestone, red mud, waste rock-lime, and waste rock-red mud for ARD prevention, in a 100-day study. They reported that blending red mud with the waste rock impeded ARD generation.
According to the stacking time and waste rock type, six kinds of waste rock named S1–S6 were obtained from this mine. The overview sampling information is shown in Figure 1 . After transporting samples to the laboratory, all waste rock samples were crushed and ground and then passed through 10-mesh (2.000 mm), 100-mesh (0.147 mm), and 200 ...