Pb/Zn smelter slag is a hazardous industrial waste from the Imperial Smelting Process (ISP). The speciation of zinc, lead, copper and arsenic in the slag controls their recovery or fate in the environment but has been little investigated.
Through proper collection of 21 lead and zinc primary smelter slag samples from smelting installations in 4 European countries, it has been possible to cover a broad spectrum of slag …
Granulated lead–zinc slag is a by-product obtained during smelting of lead and zinc ore to separate the metal fraction from the unwanted fractions. ... In order to realise the …
Semantic Scholar extracted view of "Base metals recovery from copper smelter slag by oxidising leaching and solvent extraction" by A. Banza et al. ... cobalt, nickel and iron from the copper granulated slag (0.53% Cu) at atmospheric pressure. It ... Hydrometallurgical stepwise recovery of copper and zinc from smelting slag of waste brass in ...
The term "slag" is used for different materials which result from solidification of a melt.Sometimes it refers to pyroclastic rocks [], sometimes to ashes, e.g. from waste incineration, which have undergone sintering due to partial melting [], but mostly for pyrometallurgical residues which result from the reaction of slag-forming agents with gangue or impurities in the metal in …
Ratios of 25%, 50%, 75% and by weight of sand are used.The effects of granulated lead-zinc slag (GLZS) as sand replacement material on the compressive strength and gamma radiation attenuation ...
The hazardous zinc smelting slag is generated from the metallurgical process of zinc extraction [6]. The Imperial smelting process (ISP) is capable of manufacturing both Pb …
The lead–zinc smelting slag (LZSS) is a kind of nonferrous smelting slag, which is also a type of industrial wastes. In China, the annual production of nonferrous smelting slags is up to 32 million tons [23], of which LZSS has many types and large totals. The traditional piling up or landfill treatment of LZSS not only occupies a large area ...
It is estimated that the annual production of steel slag, copper slag, ferronickel slag, and lead-zinc slag each year worldwide is 200 million tons, 70 million tons, 150 million tons, and 25 ...
This granulated slag is typically composed of small, well-defined, and angular particles, with sizes ranging from 4.75 mm to 0.075 mm ... Additionally, copper, cobalt, and zinc recovery from copper smelter slag using oxidizing leaching and solvent extraction have shown high metal recovery percentages ...
Slag, a byproduct of metallurgical smelting processes, is a mixture of metal oxides, silicon dioxide, and different compounds [1,2,3,4,5].It is produced from raw ore combustion or the extraction of specific minerals from smelting materials [1,5].Huge quantities of slags (1868.8 million tonnes of global steel production in 2019–2020) are produced around the world, and …
This paper highlights environmentally friendly utilisation of solid wastes like lead–zinc mill tailings and lead–zinc smelter fuming furnace slag (FFS) as paste backfilling for an underground metalliferous mine. ...
GA Yurko, " Slag Fuming Process at the Cominco Smelter ", in Extractive metallurgy of lead and zinc, CH Catterill (ed.), Vol.2, AIME, New York, 1970,p. 330-347 * Calculated value
Slag sampling. At the Santo Amaro smelter, 490 × 10 3 tons of slag heap is estimated to exist, with a volume of approximately 190 × 10 3 m 3. The particles of the heap are sharp-cornered, brittle and porous. Despite the slag being extremely brittle, the particle sizes of the granulated slag range between approximately 2 and 20 mm.
In the present paper, recovery of valuable metals from copper smelter slag of Balkhash copper plant (Kazakhstan) was investigated. To recover Fe, Zn and Cu to water-soluble form, the mixture of 150 g of copper slag and 60 g of 85% sulfuric acid was granulated and then roasted in the temperature range of 473–643 K (200–370 °C) followed by sulfuric acid …
Copper smelter slag typically contains about 1% copper and 40% iron depending upon the initial ore quality and the furnace type. Significant amounts of silica and minor amounts of other elements (e.g., zinc, molybdenum, lead and arsenic) are also associated with this slag. Some of these minor elements can be deleterious to the environment.
This study aimed to investigate the environmental impact of modified granulated copper slag (MGCS) utilization in blended cement production at a representative cement plant in China. Sensitivity analysis was performed on the substance inputs, and the life cycle impact assessment (LCIA) model was applied. A detailed comparative analysis was conducted of the …
Two main slag categories are generated in a lead–zinc smelter. First category is imperial smelting furnace (ISF) slag, a by-product produced during the process of primary smelting of zinc ore in blast furnace (Prasad …
Table 1 shows the composition of the granulated amorphous copper slag, which was supplied by a copper smelter. The chemical compositions were analyzed by inductively coupled plasma optical ...
Slag is a granulated by-product of the smelting process that does not present a human health risk. It is a glass-like compound consisting primarily of silica, calcium, and iron, which contains …
and 60 g of 85% sulfuric acid was granulated and then roasted in the temperature range of 473–643 K (200–370 C) followed by sulfuric acid leaching. Once the ... process of iron, zinc and copper from the copper smelter slag of Balkhash copper plant (Kazakhstan) by ammonium chloride treatment [13]. However, the formation of toxic ...
The influence of the duration and temperature of leaching milled (≤100 μm) copper smelter slag of the Balkhash copper smelter on the extraction of zinc into solution was investigated.
Use of granulated slag from lead and zinc processing in 1/9/1996 The possibility of using granulated slags resulting from the smelting of lead and zinc in pa Home Products
Three types of smelting slags originating from historically different smelting technologies in the Tsumeb area (Namibia) were studied: (i) slags from processing of carbonate/oxide ore in a Cu–Pb smelter (1907–1948), (ii) slags from Cu and Pb smelting of sulphide ores (1963–1970) and (iii) granulated Cu smelting slags (1980–2000).
However the long-term strength of dry granulated slag mortar turned out to be higher than ordinary cement mortar which was attributed to the higher reactivity on slag particle surfaces [46]. ... L. I. Syzdykova, A. K. Zhussupova, M. T. Usserbaev, Recovery of value metals from copper smelter slag by ammonium chloride treatment, International ...
The basis of the mixes used in this study was low-calcium Class-F according to ASTM C618-08 [19] fly ash produced at Port Augusta Power Station in South Australia and granulated lead smelter slag (GLSS), locally called 'black sand', from the Nystar lead zinc smelter in Port Pirie.
Pyrometallurgical processing of lead ores generates large amounts of slag which is stockpiled as chunk or granules. Romanian dump heaps of such slag produced in the period 1972–1998, occupy an area of 4522 m2 and a volume of 6616 m3. To assess the possibility of using this material in road construction, a complex characterisation of this waste has been …
A copper smelter slag from Lubumbashi, Democratic Republic of Congo, containing 1.4% Cu, 0.7% Co, 8.9% Zn and 20.9% Fe(II), has been used in this study. ... More than 80% of copper is in the form of sulphides. Cobalt is finely disseminated in the slag matrix. Zinc is present as ferrites and silicates. ... Base metals recovery from granulated ...
The lead smelter slag may be regarded as an important secondary resource, since tons of the slag containing 10 to 25% Zn, 3% Pb and other minor valuable elements are discharged every year by industries. It is difficult to economically justify the recovery of valuable metals (mainly zinc) using traditional technologies. In this study, mineralogical reconstruction …
It was found that the slump value of the GPC by using FA as a binder and partial replacement of washed river sand with granulated lead smelter slag (GLSS) shows slump value increases with ...